TBA Co.,Ltd.

TBA Co.,Ltd. | R&D and manufacturing for rapid genetic tests


Company Profile

Corporate Philosophy

TBA will try to contribute to construct the healthy and safe society, and to develop local community.

Management Policy

✓ TBA will work for popularization of the STH method which enables rapid genetic testing, in order to
contribute to the development of healthy and safe society.
✓ TBA will work for development of a brand new useful genetic testing method, with utilizing internal and
external wisdoms gathered.
✓ TBA will preserve continuous employment and contribute to development of the developing countries.

Message from the management

TBA Co., Ltd. was established in July 2013 and TBA’s vision is to contribute to building the healthy and safe society with STH-PAS technology, (Single Tag Hybridization-Printed Array Strip) which enables easy genetic testing for anyone and anywhere.

The STH-PAS method is a genetic testing with visual result without special facilities and special training. It can be applied for detection of pathogen causing infectious diseases, food poisoning, and cultivar discrimination of food and agricultural products. The STH-PAS is expected to be used at medical on-site in developing countries where the infrastructure is still under development.

TBA’s core business is production and sale of PAS, which is genetic testing strip for visual judgement used in the STH method. Through business operation, TBA would like to popularize this easy-to-use infectious disease-testing tool to be widely used for developing countries, and TBA will try to contribute to relief of the poor and infants who are exposed to higher risk of infectious disease.

TBA will deepen and expand present technologies, DNA printing and DNA chromatographic testing , in order to develop easier and cheaper DNA testing tool.

We would like to popularize more accessible genetic testing, to contribute to construction of a healthy and safe future in the world.

Company Information

Company nameTBA Co., Ltd.
Date of establishmentJuly 1, 2013
Capital50,000,000 yen
Aoba-6-6-40 Aramaki, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture

Member Director , Chairman : Tadahiko Inukai
Representative Director , President (& CEO) : Mitsuo Kawase
Director: Kenichi sakata